Fall greetings WMC families! As the calendar flips to November, we are well into quarter two of the 2024-25 school year at West Morris Central with an eye on the Teacher's Convention long weekend, Thanksgiving break, and the coming holiday season.
October kicked off with our annual Spirit Week, culminating in our school-wide Spirit Rally and well-attended Homecoming Dance. During the month of October, we celebrated the Week of Respect, National Stop Bullying Day, World Mental Health Day, School Violence Awareness Week, Red Ribbon Week, and Unity Day. As part of our heritage awareness program, we recognized Hindu Heritage Month and LGBTQ+ Month in October. College representatives returned for our second mini college fair of the year while we closed the month by hosting our first-ever Robotics competition at WMC as students and advisors prepare for state competition later this school year.
As we turn our sights toward November, there is much to look forward to on campus. Following the annual Teacher's Convention long weekend, we will host distinguished members of Washington Township Post 1776 in honor of Veterans Day on November 11. This annual event allows our students to interact with local veterans and hear their personal accounts of how they served our country. As November comes to a close, members of Central Theatre will perform A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story of Christmas on November 21, 22, and 23 for our fall drama. Finally, just prior to the Thanksgiving Break, we will host the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony for WMC candidates to honor them for their commitment to the four NHS pillars: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.